3 Questions to Ask Your Periodontist About Your Gum Disease Treatment

June 20, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — cranfordcenter @ 8:06 pm
A woman examining her gums.

If you’ve been diagnosed with periodontal disease or gum disease you likely have a lot of questions. After all, any new diagnosis is usually accompanied by a bit of confusion. While it’s normal to be concerned, there’s certainly no reason to panic. Here are some questions you can ask your periodontist to help get some clarification and some peace of mind about the health of your gums.

1.    How Often Do I Need an Appointment?

After your initial diagnosis, you may require several appointments to treat your periodontal disease. These appointments could include laser gum surgery or gum grafting, as well as frequent follow-ups to ensure that your gum health is improving and not continuing to decline. Plan on seeing your periodontist every two to six months for these appointments.

2.    Do You Offer Sedation?

It’s normal to be a little nervous about your periodontal procedure or exam, which is why your periodontist may offer nitrous oxide sedation. Nitrous oxide is commonly known as laughing gas and can be used to help make you feel calm and relaxed during your appointment.  It is administered via a tube that fits comfortably in the nose, so that your mouth is unobstructed for your procedure. You then simply breathe normally, and it will begin working within minutes.

Unlike other sedation methods, nitrous oxide will not put you to sleep, and you will remain alert and able to follow instructions and answer questions during your appointment. In fact, when you use nitrous oxide, you can usually still drive yourself home after your procedure.

3.    Which Technologies Do You Use?

When it comes to treating periodontal disease, there are several different types of technologies available, including soft tissue lasers that can help seal and protect your gums from recession and bacteria absorption. Your periodontist will determine which type is best for your individual situation. For some, very little intervention may be needed, while for others a bit more intensive therapy could be required. It will all depend on the condition of your gums and the goals of your treatment. Trust that your periodontist knows the best course of action to achieve optimal gum health and will only prescribe what he or she feels is needed for you.

Remember, while it’s certainly normal to be apprehensive about your periodontal disease diagnosis, don’t despair. Your periodontist wants to help you improve your oral health and protect your teeth and gums from further damage. If you have any questions or concerns about any aspect of your oral health, please don’t hesitate to ask.

About Our Practice

The team at Cranford Center for Periodontics & Dental Implants has not one but three board-certified periodontists on staff to assist you with all your gum health needs. We offer fast, friendly, judgment-free service with a staff that truly cares about you and your well-being.

To take control of your periodontal health, schedule an appointment by visiting our website or call us at 908-388-9993 today.

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