Cranford Center for Periodontics & Dental Implants Blog

A Newer Kind of Gum Care: What is Arestin?

January 17, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — cranfordcenter @ 7:29 am

If you have gum disease, your dentist may advise more than just scaling and root planing. They could also suggest you get Arestin® as part of your overall treatment. Still, that raises a question: What is Arestin, anyway? You’ll likely want to address this point, so your Cranford periodontist will gladly help you out a bit. With that said, here’s a primer on Arestin, how it’s administered, and whether you’re a good candidate for it.


How Many Dental Implants Will You Need to Rebuild Your Smile?

December 10, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — cranfordcenter @ 4:57 pm
One dental implant standing up and two lying down

If you’re currently considering getting dental implants to replace your missing teeth, you’re likely to have several questions about the procedure. One that might be near the top of the list is, “Exactly how many dental implants will I need?” It’s a simple enough question, but the answer can vary quite a bit from patient to patient depending on the circumstances. Here’s a quick overview of how dental implants work and how many you might require.


Can Probiotics Help Prevent Gum Disease?

November 20, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — cranfordcenter @ 3:25 pm
a magnifying glass looking in a mouth at oral bacteria

The average adult has as high as 20 billion microbes in their mouth at any given time, with all of them representing about 200 different species. Of these billions of microbes, countless are necessary for your oral health and function, helping break down food, and most importantly, combat the harmful waste contributed by bad bacteria, helping keep the balance in-check. When this balance goes awry, it can lead to an influx of oral health problems like gum disease and cavities. Read on to learn how gum disease forms and how taking probiotics could help minimize the threat of this common oral health problem.


Is Gingivitis Contagious?

October 17, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — cranfordcenter @ 3:22 pm
A woman flossing her teeth to prevent gingivitis

There are many ways to transfer illness, especially during cold and flu season. Washing your hands, wearing a protective face mask, and cleaning contaminated surfaces are all excellent ways to prevent germs from spreading. But what about gingivitis? Believe it or not, you can pass this condition from person to person much like you can the common cold. Here’s how to prevent this from happening to you or someone you love.


One Day at a Time: Recovering from All-on-4 Surgery

September 19, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — cranfordcenter @ 11:16 am
Dentists performing an All-on-4 surgery

As a way to restore your smile, All-on-4 dental implants are truly transformative. You can trust them to bring back your whole grin with just a few metal posts! Still, you need to heal before you can enjoy your treatment results; it’d be good to learn what that involves. The good news is that your Cranford periodontists can help you out. So, here’s a primer on what to expect when recovering from All-on-4 surgery.


Can You Get Dental Implants for Your Front Teeth?

September 9, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — cranfordcenter @ 8:27 pm
patient wondering about dental implants for front teeth

Are gaps in your smile affecting your confidence? While there are various options to fill these spaces, many dentists and patients favor dental implants. These implants, made from durable titanium, integrate with your jawbone to replace missing tooth roots and are topped with restorations like crowns or bridges. Curious if dental implants are suitable for replacing missing front teeth? Read on to find out and explore the benefits of this effective solution.


How Long Does It Take to Get Dental Implant Surgery?

July 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — cranfordcenter @ 5:28 pm
Woman smiling in the dental chair

Dental implants are the only tooth replacement option out there that replaces the roots of the missing teeth – not just the chewing surface. This allows for a wide range of additional benefits, including additional stability and longevity. To achieve these benefits, getting dental implants requires a surgical procedure. Continue reading to learn what you can expect, including the length of your procedure.


3 Questions to Ask Your Periodontist About Your Gum Disease Treatment

June 20, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — cranfordcenter @ 8:06 pm
A woman examining her gums.

If you’ve been diagnosed with periodontal disease or gum disease you likely have a lot of questions. After all, any new diagnosis is usually accompanied by a bit of confusion. While it’s normal to be concerned, there’s certainly no reason to panic. Here are some questions you can ask your periodontist to help get some clarification and some peace of mind about the health of your gums.


What is A Sinus Lift and Why Do I Need One?

June 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — cranfordcenter @ 2:11 pm
Patient happily consulting with their dentist and reviewing scans

There are many good reasons to consider dental implant treatment. For one thing, you’ll be able to eat from an expanded menu of options thanks to their incredible bite power. For another, your dental implants can help prevent bone loss in your jaw.

“What does that have to do with a sinus lift?” You might be thinking.

A lot, actually. Your jawbone is at the center of your treatment plan. To see what we mean, keep reading. We’ll loop you in on the details.


Can You Expect Your Gum Grafting Procedure to Be Painful?

April 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — cranfordcenter @ 1:18 pm
Illustration of a gum grafting procedure

One of the unfortunate consequences of gum disease is that it can cause your gum tissue to recede, exposing the roots of your teeth. Gum tissue that was lost cannot grow back; as such, in order to repair the damage, your periodontist may recommend a gum grafting procedure. But will it be painful? Here’s what you need to know about the treatment so that you can start preparing yourself now.

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